Medical Weight Loss

It’s excellent for helping patients with various health concerns, especially weight gain, digestive issues, hormonal problems, auto-immune complaints, and skin conditions.


Dr. Jennifer

Weight Loss Specialist

12 years experience

ONLY $110 per Week!

Revolutionary Weight Loss Shipped Directly To Your Door!

✅ Inflammation & Weight Gain

✅ ​Thyroid& Gut Issues

✅ ​Brain Fog

​✅ Chronic Fatigue

✅ ​Autoimmune

✅ ​Chronic Pain

How does it work?

How Does It Work?

Semaglutide aids in inducing a feeling of satiety after meals, preventing excessive food consumption and promoting overall reduced calorie intake. Semaglutide diminishes cravings for unhealthy snacks such as candies or chips, fostering a preference for nutritious food options over sugary or fatty treats.

1. Book Free consult

Book your free consultation to speak with one of our team members and create a plan for you to acheive your weight loss goals.

2. Attend Phone Consult

Attend your free virtual phone consult at your designated appointment time.

3. Speak with the doctor

After the virtual phone consult, if everything goes to plan, a team member will schedule a call for your to meet with the doctor and finalize the prescription.

4. Receive at your door

Once the previous steps are completed, your semaglutide package will arrive directly to your house.

Our clients are Happy & Healthy

we’re here to all your questions

The Initial Virtual Consultation is completely free.

We complete an initial phone consultation and then our doctors review your intake forms. Once approved our local pharmacy will fill your prescription. You can pick up your medication at our office or we can mail it directly to your home…whatever is easier. We are here to help and educate you in your weight loss journey!

Yes. All of our doctors are fully licensed. 

Clinical trials have found that semaglutide can lead to significant weight loss. For example, the STEP (Semaglutide Treatment Effect in People with obesity) program conducted a series of international clinical trials demonstrating substantial weight loss in participants using semaglutide, with an average loss of 15-20% of their body weight.


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